International Women's Year

The Baha'i International Community conducted a survey on the status of women in Baha'i communities worldwide. The results of the survey, based on replies from 81 national assemblies, were reported to the UN as a contribution to preparations for International Women's Year. A study submitted to the twenty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of women by the BIC entitled Preliminary Enquiry into the Status of Women in the Baha'i World Community indicated that all Baha'i communities teach equality of the sexes and act to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against women. The pamphlet The Environment and Human Values - A Baha'i View was published that year and included Baha'i perspectives in regards to these two major areas of work of the UN Equality of Men and Women - A New Reality was prepared by the BIC for the the UN International Women's Year. International leadership of the Baha'i Faith encourages national Baha'i communities to organize activities to promote the advancement of women stressing that the entire Baha'i world is committed to encouraging and stimulating the vital role of women in the Baha'i community as in society at large. Extensive involvement of national Baha'i communities in advancing the goals of the International Year for Women.