Videos related to the 9th campaign

The official video of the Baha'i International Community to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the arrest and imprisonment of seven Iranian Baha'i leaders.


“Yaran Free song -- Shanbehzadeh in Brazil” – A compelling, short documentary film by Flavio Rassekh in Brazil about the efforts of an Iranian musician, Saied Shabezadeh, to create a musical tribute to the seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders.


A news report from a California news station about how young Baha’is in Iran are denied access to higher education, focusing on a local effort to help the online Baha'i Institute for Higher Education.


A report on the Cyrus Cylinder from Smithsonian Magazine. It describes how Iran, historically, have upheld the value of religious tolerance – which stands in sharp contrast to the situation today.


A creative video from Australia exploring what it might feel like to miss, for nine years, all of the important events that people who are not wrongfully imprisoned enjoy every day.


Hundreds of UC Berkeley students took part in a social experiment – without knowing it – to demonstrate what it would be like to be denied enrollment just because of your religious beliefs – as has been the case for thousands of young Iranian Baha’is in recent years.